The latest updates from Aboard.
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Designed to provide you with invaluable insights into your company's performance. This initial version serves as a foundation, and we plan to enhance it with additional data in upcoming updates. Our focus begins with key metrics such as Growth, Diversity, and the distribution of your employees across various departments and locations.
Web App
Now you can set up an internal reporting channel to comply with EU Whistleblowing Directive. Activating and configuring this feature is a straightforward process accessible through the admin settings. Once activated, all members of the company can generate anonymous reports according to your chosen categories. Subsequently, your administrators can manage these reports in an appropriate manner.
Web App
With Posts, you can now send out important information or news to all employees within the company. Each published Post is accessible on the Portal, ensuring that every employee can stay up-to-date with the company communication.
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We just launched Events, a feature where you can set up company events and invite your colleagues for after-work 🍻, weekly workouts 🏋️ or a big trip to Japan ⛩️.
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With our new offboarding module both Admins and Managers will be able to create offboarding plans consist of a series of tasks to be completed by your team.
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Public holidays & new availability policies
We have just added the ability to create and manage public holidays within the company. Additionally, we've updated our availability policies to give you the flexibility of establishing an annual allowance, enabling you to easily keep track of your vacation days.
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Vacation planning
With the implementation of our new vacation planner, there is no longer a need to rely on spreadsheets when it comes to efficiently and effectively organising and planning the holiday schedules for you employees.